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Fenwick Pier was a historical building located in Wanchai, Hong Kong. After the demolishing announcement was made by local government in 2022, Yang Tong, with the technical support of MetalinkArt, brought it into the digital realm. It is a collaborative attempt of various creative domains in Digital Cultural Heritage
「分域碼頭」坐落於香港灣仔,有著逾135年的歷史。左與港府總部大樓比肩、右與國際會展中心遙相呼應,它會經接待過全世界14個國家的超過50,000人的海軍,並帶領他們深入了解香港文化。可以說沒有它,就没有灣仔的酒吧林立,也不會有會經港英時代 《蘇絲黃的世界》中描繪的充滿煙火氣的、火遍大江南北的紅燈區,更沒有如今灣仔的文化與商業的共同繁榮。
由於其隱秘的鬧中取靜的地理位置,分域碼頭在人群熙攮,車水馬龍的香港得以保存自己的獨特氣息。碼頭內的商戶出獨具特色、各有來頭:包括意大利名廚Gianni的餐廳Gia和超市Mercato Gourmet;香港當下最火裁縫Tony和他父親的裁縫鋪Fushing& Sons ;通利琴行老板Tom Lee的兒子John Lee的音樂工作室以及會經服務各國海軍充滿復古氣息的紀念品商店和理發店。為此,分域碼頭會是香港名流采購餐飲的場所,也因此多年來它一度隱形於公眾視野。然而在2021年碼頭拆遷落實之際,各大媒體開始爭相報道有關碼頭的新聞。「分域碼頭」一詞開始在香港蔓延開來,可以說是出道即巔峰,一躍成為香港最熱網紅打卡景點。作為藝術領域的工作者,我在2020年末因工作來到分域碼頭。當我踏人碼頭的那一刻起,一個創作的靈感已經在我的心裏悄然萌發。2021年七月我便開始著手策劃一場由分域碼頭展開的社區藝術項目,集結了藝術家們和影像創作者們的創作與霵感,通過裝置、影像、聲音等媒介,發掘出了隱藏在表象之下的分域碼頭的故事。碼頭首展《一場過去、當下與末來的相聚,在分域碼頭》最終在今年1月完美收棺,借著媒體的助力將分域碼頭呈現於廣大香港公眾面前。
在逾期兩年的努力之後,「分域碼頭」在回顧歷史、感知當下與展望未來的交織中,由一個抽象的概念一步步變為現實,於2022年末在元宇宙中重獲新生。今年YangTons Studio 得到深圳元一藝術科技的技術支持,以及藝術家黃振強,陳燕孜,陳詠藍,余芷晴的持續參與,將續寫分域碼頭的故事。現推出元宇宙首展《碼頭重生》,同時與元一展覽《開元》的時間不謀而合,共同見證了2022藝術杢間數字
Located in Wanchai, Hong Kong, Fenwick Pier stands along the Victoria harbor, next to the Hong Kong Government Headquarters building, and echoes the International Convention and Exhibition Center. Fenwick Pier, with 135 years History has received more than 50,000 young navies of 14 nationalities and has provided voluntary local cultural guidance to them. We can say that without Fenwick Pier, there would be no bars and restaurants in Wanchai, nor would there be the renowned red light district depicted in "The World of Suzie Huang" in the Hong Kong-British era, and there would be no prosperity of both cultural and commercial sectors in Wanchai today.
Due to its secluded and hidden location, Fenwick Pier has successfully preserved its unique vibe in a highly commercialized Hong Kong society. The vibe could be understood as a memory of Hong Kong in a certain period of time during the history. It would possibly bring you back to 80s,90s, or even earlier. The merchants in the Fenwick Pier have also carried their unique origins: including a restaurant “Giá” founded by Italian chef Gianni Caprioli, as well as his “Mercato Gourmet”; Hong Kong tailor Tony and his third-generation Shanghainese tailor shop “Fushing & Sons”; John Lee's Music studios, whose father Tom Lee established the very first “Tom Lee Music instrument” in Fenwick Pier as well. Last but not least the retro souvenir shops and barbershops that served international navies during the past 60 years. For its private location and atmosphere, Fenwick Pier used to be a place where Hong Kong celebrities dine and shop, it has been invisible among the general public for many years until 2021. When the demolishment notice was implemented in 2021, medias start to expose this hidden ”Paradise“ among the Hong Kong public. The term "Fenwick Pier" started to be viral since then.
I first stepped into Fenwick Pier as a graphic designer candidate of Giando Group at the end of 2020. The moment I entered this ragged building sitting among the skyscrapers in the very centred CBD of Hong Kong, an inspiration had sparked immediately in my mind. In July 2021, I started planning officially a community art project based on Fenwick Pier, where I later gathered the creations and inspirations of artists, video graphers and the general public. The story of Fenwick Pier which has been kept secretly underneath its ragged skin finally got discovered by Hong Kong people. The first exhibition "A Gathering of the Past, Present, and Future, at Fenwick Pier" got its successful closure in January 2022. Through the exposure of the local media, the exhibition and the historical values of Fenwick Pier were presented to an even wider general public among Hong Kong.
After almost 2 years of joint effort with MeralinkArt, Dennissoap, Tsz Ching Yu, Chan Wing Lam, and Chan Yin Chi, a new version of Fenwick Pier is now available in the digital realm, transforming a demolishing historical building into a digital cultural archive. Integrating past, present, and future, a trans-historical conversation about Hong Kong culture is being continued among the public. In the meanwhile, an emerging discourse of art and technology are being raised at the same time.
--Yang Tong (Curator)
Fenwick Pier has carried a rich history spanning over 100 years. Throughout its years of service to Hong Kong society, the emphasis on promoting local culture has been remained constant.
Copyright © 2024 Tong Yang – Alle Rechte vorbehalten.